
Leslie Lewis lesliel8 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 20 23:36:30 UTC 2007

Don't be timid. We're all learning here. Some of us are on a steeper
learning curve than others, but if you ever quit learning you might as well
be dead.

Since some of my preferred applications are KDE, I thought I'd switch
completely to Kubuntu and give it a good try. It's going to be hard to stick
it out for even one day. Konqueror seems so slow to me. Maybe I'm doing
something wrong,  but if it doesn't improve soon I'm going back to Gnome. I
agree that it seems intuitive and clean. Maybe I'll switch to Xubuntu first,

Leslie in Canmore

On 1/20/07, George Borusiewich <v.g.borus at sympatico.ca> wrote:
> As a completely inexperienced ubuntu newbie, I would like to timidly
> add my 2 cents to the discussion of ubuntu\kubuntu. After about 7
> years of Windows, I decided 3 months ago to try linux. A newspaper
> article said ubuntu was hot. Comments on the internet suggested
> kubuntu might be faster. After much difficulty (I am computer
> self-taught) I set up a triple-boot WinXP\ubuntu\kubuntu. After 2
> weeks, I decided that ubuntu was more intuitive than kubuntu.  I have
> been running WinXp\ubuntu double-boot for over 2 months now. I hope
> to use linux more and more, but can't drop Windows completely because
> of printer driver problems.
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