DUAL BOOT -- 6.10/7.04 Herd 4?

Maurice Murphy m1625 at rogers.com
Thu Feb 22 16:06:31 UTC 2007

Thanks, Anthony. But I'm still a chicken at heart!


Anthony Yarusso wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Myles Braithwaite wrote:
>> It is totally possible to dual boot anything. You should look into grub
>> <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto>.  All you had to do is
>> boot into 7.04 and edit the grub configure file to show that there is
>> another bootable partition. If you need some more help I will be on
>> #ubuntu-ca.
>> Is there a GUI for editing grub?
>> Maurice Murphy wrote:
>>> Recently, I tried to set up a dual boot arrangement with my very stable
>>> 6.10 and the then new 7.04 Herd 2.  The installation of 7.04 appeared to
>>> go OK, allowing me to divide the available disk space, as in a normal
>>> dual boot with XP.  Unfortunately, when it came time to reboot, I found
>>> that grub only gave me the option of booting 7.04.  I could no longer
>>> access my wonderfully stable 6.10. - not a very happy situation, which
>>> required me to do a complete re-install of 6.10!  Fortunately, I had
>>> backed up almost all my data.
>>> Does anyone know, _for sure_, whether it is possible to set up a dual
>>> boot 6.10/7.04 Herd 4?
>>> I really don't want to have to do another re-install 6.10 all over again!
>>> Thanks,
>>> Maurice
> Very much possible - I have one now.  J-F's warnings do stand, but I'd
> also be happy to help in #ubuntu-ca if you'd like to try again.  Myles
> - - there is a grub GUI, but I'm not sure if it's quite ready.  There
> are some specs in LP about getting one in by default sometime.
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