[TLUG]: of Hackers, Newbies and Fanboys

Alfred alfred.s at nexicom.net
Tue Feb 13 03:40:47 UTC 2007

Hi: Alf to the rescue! About last week, I offered a bit of advice on
setting up a Dial-up service, for a Newbie that wanted to know how it
was done. When I set up my, e-mail set-up it was not real easy, it
required a few experiments to figure out how to do it. So I got the guy
to connect, but then the authentication was not just right, so the mail
server on his IP, shut down seconds after connecting. I've noticed that
many Computer people are somewhat impatient. If something does not work
as of Last Week, then they move on to something else, in an Atto-second!
That is what happened to that Newbie, he went on to Xandros. Ice Houses
are Nice, but little things like this, take away from, little
demonstrations, and giving out free discs, when things don't work real

I know some Distros, are real easy to set up. I thought about it a bit.
How hard would it be to fill in the blanks from a look-up table. Perhaps
have a choice on a menu of Automatic and Manual Setup. Then Fill in The
Phone Number of the IP, and the User ID, and Password. Then the URL of
the IP. Then from a look-up table supply all the other data, required
for that IP's Mail server, so that the Newbie user, does not have to
spend weeks getting the mail server working. It's Automatic now! Takes a
few seconds and it works, 98% of the time. In seconds not Weeks! I'm not
doing programming any more, mainly because, all the 6502 assembler, got
mixed up with the 8080 assembler, got mixed up with the Z80 Assembler,
got mixed up with the 16F84 codes, so there was just too much
instructions for someone to learn and keep separated. Z80 had 400,
instructions. By the time I got good at them, it was just about

I'm not even sure whom to direct this too, but if you know, please pass
it along.


On Mon, 2007-12-02 at 09:43 -0400, Doooh_Head wrote:
> Blah blah blah, is there anyone left here to talk about Linux?
> Doooh!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ubuntu-ca-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
> [mailto:ubuntu-ca-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of Borden Rhodes
> Sent: February 10, 2007 8:36 PM
> To: ubuntu-ca at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: Re: [TLUG]: of Hackers, Newbies and Fanboys
> > That crn piece was the confused ramblings of a half overheard 
> > conversation at the Linux Caffe, from what I am able to piece 
> > together.
> Actually, that entire article was singularly my fault (and I'm proud of it,
> too!).  In my initial recon of the Ice House I threw around statements like
> "maybe we should set up a Linux fire and melt the house down!" and "don't
> worry if the cops punk us around because my sister's a criminal defence
> lawyer who owns a rottweiller (and she frequents the Caffe on her way to the
> park, too!)".
> Now, in writing this I assumed that everyone reading the list had developed
> the basic facility to discern that these statements woven into my serious
> recommendations for our Op. Cold Comfort were not to be taken seriously and,
> if the reader found it in keeping with the situation, might actually find
> some humour in what I said.
> Ultimately, our mutual friend Andrew at CRN, and I'm guessing some others,
> proved that my expectations were unreasonably high.
> I agree with Corey that Andrew seized the opportunity to make himself look
> absolutely stupid by crafting a magnificent story of how the Linux group was
> going to somehow smuggle a sufficient amount of combustable material into
> downtown Toronto to melt a house and defend ourselves from fully armed
> police using only an inflated penguin and my sister's domesticated dog  I
> regret that I didn't lace my postings with threats of taking white-toqued
> hostages and relocating the zoo penguins to Dundas and Yonge.  Perhaps then
> Andrew would have had sufficient material to write an interesting article.
> Well, I'll get working on my postings for open source day this autumn.
> Why we even dignify Andrew's article by calling it "bad journalism" as
> opposed to "fabricated rubbish from a guy with a chip on his shoulder
> desperately trying to prove something he cannot" is beyond me so it's the
> last time you'll hear me discuss it.  Andrew, if you're reading this, I hope
> that you will honour me with a follow-up article quoting, verbatim, the
> following confession:
> "I, Borden C. Rhodes of Toronto, hereby solmnly swear that I suck.  I also
> think white glue on sparkles is yummy.  I cry when I scrape my knee and
> spill my milk.
> Seriously, though, I worry that we are taking ourselves a little too
> seriously.  Can we forget about who loves Linux the most, how many layers of
> bureaucracy we need in the group and concentrate instead on helping
> Canadians discover and learn Linux?
> Yours, &c.
> Borden "International terrorist" Rhodes
> --
> ubuntu-ca mailing list
> ubuntu-ca at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-ca

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