Fwd: [TLUG]: event at linuxcaffe; OpenStreetMap weekend
David J Patrick
djp at linuxcaffe.ca
Sun Feb 11 20:48:06 UTC 2007
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From: David J Patrick <davidjpatrick at sympatico.ca>
Date: 11-Feb-2007 15:45
Subject: [TLUG]: event at linuxcaffe; OpenStreetMap weekend
To: tlug at ss.org
the first of its kind in North America.
some details at http://www.linuxcaffe.ca/node/21954
and more at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Toronto_Mapping_Weekend
if you're GPS inclined, come on down and join the fun mapping the town.
djp at linuxcaffe.ca
geek chic and caffe cachet
326 Harbord Street,
Toronto, M6G 3A5,
(416) 534-2116
The Toronto Linux Users Group. Meetings: http://gtalug.org/
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djp at linuxcaffe.ca
geek chic and caffe cachet
326 Harbord Street,
Toronto, M6G 3A5,
(416) 534-2116
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