Hi !
David J Patrick
davidjpatrick at sympatico.ca
Fri Sep 8 11:56:00 UTC 2006
On 9/8/06, Alfred <alfred.s at nexicom.net> wrote:
> Upgrades, that do the same thing as Viruses do! This is some alternative
> to Windows?? This situation is the best advertising to get Windows. I
> don't make upgrades anymore, I'm frightened to do them, because they
> aren't even Alpha, not even remotely Beta, they take your nice Stable
> Linux, and make it complete Junk!
IIRC, Alfred, Ubuntu has shipped about 3 show-stopper bugs, in it's
breif history. All of these have been promptly fixed and it is
presently Enterprise Grade. Have no fear; apt-get upgrade (or
dist-upgrade, if it's been that long)
djp at linuxcaffe.ca
geek chic and caffe cachet
326 Harbord Street, Toronto, M6G 3A5, (416) 534-2116
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