Hi !

Timothy Webster tdwebste2 at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 8 03:09:03 UTC 2006

Hong Kong Universities are Windows exclusively. It wasn't always that way. I met my wife through unix talk :) While she was at HKU. I expect there are some unix computers hidden away, but the students don't have access to them.
However some vocational schools do use linux.
The real UGH, is the University Graduates, don't know how to use opensource software. It is really bad for business.

As a Canadian I sure hope Universities in Canada don't drop Unix and switch to Windows.


Michael Lacey <em.lace at gmail.com> wrote: What do they use most at these Universities?
I can't imagine having to access a university or other public computer remotely without a command line! 

On 9/7/06,  Timothy Webster <tdwebste2 at yahoo.com> wrote:                 non-Ubuntu-friendly, far from the Linux Cafe :)

Right now I am in Hong Kong, In Hong Kong they don't even use Unix at Universities. As a result hardly anyone knows Linux, let alone ubuntu. People here see a command line and freeze up.  :(   
  I think people who can't work from the command line are crippled. And OS's that can't do everything from the command line are crippled by design, because remote admin is a pain. But then again, I was a sysadm in the past, so I am not human. :) 

I will be here until the end of the year  then I should be in Vancouver. Which should a little more ubuntu friendly :) 



Daniel Robitaille < robitaille at ubuntu.com> wrote:
 On 9/7/06, Mathieu Avoine  wrote: 
> Damn you guys! I live so far from Toronto... It would rock to have a Linux
> Caffe around. I must be the only weirdo using Ubuntu in my area!! haha
> Cheers!
> Math

Yeah...Victoria is also so far as well from that Linux Caffe... 

By the way Mathieu, where  do you live that is so non-Ubuntu-friendly?  :)

Daniel Robitaille

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