[Ubuntu Toronto] A Call for Ideas

R. Wood au516 at freenet.carleton.ca
Fri Nov 3 04:35:44 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Allegedly, on Thu, Nov 02, 2006 at 08:07:48PM -0500, Dave Sullivan stated:
> On Thu, 2006-11-02 at 19:59 -0500, Darryl Moore wrote:
> > I found this on the svlug.org website
> > > 
> > > June 24, 1998: "The Great Linux Revolt of 1998" — SVLUG handed out
> > > 500 Linux CDs at Fry's and CompUSA, when they opened at midnight
> > > to sell the newly-released Win98. 
> > This could be a cool thing to do in the new year when Vista comes
> > out.  Maybe even have a few extra media attention getters.
> Our Vista Launch rebellion is going to be quite a media attention
> getter, and is quite similar to this. I shouldn't say 'our', as its
> David Patrick's idea and he's heading up the project.
> If you're not familiar with this, essentially he/we are going to bring
> his 10 foot inflatable Tux to the Vista launch party in Toronto. Last
> I heard from him, the tentative date is December 5th.. but we all know
> Microsoft's release dates. They're never for certain.
Please feel free to keep us out-of-towners posted about the date.  If
there is enough advance notice, we might be able to bring a few more
warm bodies  :-)

Have Fun with GNU/Linux,
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"Be Nice, or Leave - By Order of the Management"
(Sign above door, Black Sheep Inn, Wakefield)
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