Big Hard Drive?

Alfred alfred.s at
Wed Dec 20 04:09:34 UTC 2006

Hi I was talking with a fellow that does a lot of software installing.
He said that it is best to make the Swap File the first Partition.
Reason being, is that first partition covers much more surface per
second, than if you make the swap at an other place. In other words you
get a faster swap file when you do it this way. Then you put the /boot
as the next partition. Haven't tried it yet, so I don't have a great
deal of experience with it!


On Sat, 2006-16-12 at 11:40 -0500, R. Wood wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Allegedly, on Thu, Dec 14, 2006 at 10:13:09PM -0500, Alfred stated:
> > Hi: I needed a new Hard Drive, and decided on a 1/3 of a Terribyte, or
> > 320 Gigs. 
> I just got one of these also.
> > Then the problem cropped up, my Partitioning Software only sees about
> > 160 Gigs. 
> What Partitioning Software are you using?  I experimented with something
> new (for me) -- 'Gparted LiveCD':
> You boot off the CD and then partition from there.  It's kind of a
> 'Partition Magic', only it is FOSS.  Might be worth a look, as it had no
> problem seeing my 320Gb drive.
> Another issue I came across was that I needed to create a separate /boot
> partition to make sure the boot-loader (GRUB) would work properly.  So I
> made sure my first partition was about 100 Mb, bootable, and assigned to
> /boot.
> > The rest of the drive can't be accessed. Is there some Linux Overlay
> > that allows the Whole Drive to be made use of?
> > 
> > TIA
> > Alfred!
> Good luck, and let us know how things go...
> Have Fun with GNU/Linux,
> Raymond
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