Gratis CDs

Kyle Vanditmars kylevan at
Mon Dec 18 19:57:46 UTC 2006

So I've added my plan to start an advocacy campaign at school to the
wiki ( but I
have a question.

If/when I'm able to get ahold of some Ubuntu CDs, and set up a little
"giveaway" area, I'm wondering if it would be "okay" to include
something like the OpenCD in the same place.  The browser thing that
pops up when you pop an Ubuntu CD into a running Windows system is a
little light on content, and I think it would be particularly good to
introduce people to and the other "heavyweight" FOSS
programs even if they perhaps aren't ready/willing to install Ubuntu
yet.  The argument's been made many times that getting people accustomed
to the applications will make the switch that much easier.

My only concern is that the costs would probably be prohibitive to get
"professional" looking copies of the CD (they're $1.75 each from,) and while I'm not averse to burning a 50-cd
spindle myself, people might be averse to taking one with some of my
scrawl across the front.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

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