Xubunt 6.06.1 desktop i386

Bill Davidson harley7 at cogeco.ca
Mon Dec 18 20:30:01 UTC 2006

Don and/or Mila Trombley wrote:
> After three attempts in trying to load the Xubuntu onto the Hard drive, 
> and, each  time failing, in trial, take out the cd from the drive, and 
> trying to boot from the hard drive, I get the same message:
> Operating System Not Found.

I'm a little confused as to what you've been able to do so far with the
live CD,  so let's start from the beginning.

 From your previous post it seemed like you weren't able to boot from
the CD. Are you able to boot from it now? Are you seeing a desktop with 
2 icons on it?

If you are able to boot from the CD, did you double click on the Install 
icon on the desktop?

These are the steps that the installer will go through. Did you complete 
them all?

1. Choose your language

2. Choose your time zone, set the clock

3. Choose your keyboard layout.

4. Choose a user name and password

5. Partition your hard drive. You would select "Erase the entire drive" 
or something similar.

6. Install the OS

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