Getting approved

Tee Jay Rosene teejayrosene at
Mon Dec 18 11:38:36 UTC 2006

I've put in an order for 50 or so 6.06 Cds to pass around at Laurentian
University, where I work. They should be arriving early in the new year.
I'm also planning on making copies of 6.10 to pass out to relatives and
friends over the holidays.
Also, one project that I'm trying to get going where I work is to have our
university alumni donate "previously loved" computer hardware to students
who are currently studying, and of course Ubuntu is the logical solution for
the software choice; this little project has very important implications:
1. Just after Christmas is a good time to start a project such as this,
because there will be a lot of computer hardware that no one will want
anymore; this project is environmentally friendly because there will be less
hardware making it into landfill sites.
2. It will bridge the generational gap between current students and alumni.
3. It will help out tremendously students in need, particularly
international students, who can ultimately bring their Ubuntu computer
system home with them when they are done studies.
4. It is good PR for all interested parties, including Ubuntu (perhaps
Ubuntu Canada would like to get involved?)
5. It is educational, for students, alumni, media, etc. The topic of Open
Source, Ubuntu, GPL, Free Software Foundation, Ubuntu Canada, licensing,
etc. can be a great learning experience for all involved.
5. Most importantly, it will be fun and all be for a good cause.
I have not officially started this project yet, because I'm still trying to
get things coordinated. Nonetheless, my supervisor, as well as the few
individuals I have discussed this with, all seem keen on the idea. The few
drawbacks that I have at the moment pertain to space issues (ie where will
all this hardware go) and the process of getting dedicated individuals to
test hardware and install Ubuntu.
Anyway, this is an overview of what I'm trying to do in my little neck of
the woods, (Sudbury, Ontario).

Message: 4
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2006 21:03:30 -0800
From: "Corey Burger" <corey.burger at>
Subject: Re: Getting approved
To: "The Canadian Ubuntu Users Community" <ubuntu-ca at>
       <348bd6da0612172103h5381f761yccfb1e373dc5bf5b at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Look, if we don't fix our roadmap we will not get approved. There are
currently 500  Edgy cds we are missing out on, which we will not get
until we get approved. Step up people.

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