Getting approved

Evan Leibovitch evan at
Mon Dec 18 02:30:59 UTC 2006

Corey Burger wrote:
> Look, if we don't fix our roadmap we will not get approved. There are
> currently 500  Edgy cds we are missing out on, which we will not get
> until we get approved. Step up people.

I don't quite understand what's going on. At very least, the lingo is 
somewhat obscure.

What is a LoCo and what is the benefit of being one?
What are its goals, and what is expected of it such that a roadmap is an 
impediment to LoCo-ism?
The current roadmap seems obsessed with getting media contacts.
Shouldn't there be a concern about doing something newsworthy  before 
worrying about  building a media list?

After all, you have on this mailing list a columnist for Computing 
Canada who's already written about Ubuntu, and within the Toronto LUG 
community are two other writers who show up regularly in Linux Journal 
and elsewhere (Colin McGregor and Marcel Gagne). How much more media 
exposure do you need? For what?

As for the witholding of CDs, this doesn't make sense. If a conventional 
LUG were to ask for a bunch of CDs, it would receive them -- this has 
already happened in Toronto before. CLUE was able to easily get CDs to 
give to each Canadian Member of Parliament. That's the least of the 
necessity. What else is being held back?

- Evan

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