Ubuntu.ca handout, v0.5...

Brian Burger blurdesign at gmail.com
Sun Nov 27 21:13:04 UTC 2005

Hi all, I still haven't gotten any feedback on this - somebody must have some?

> I've significantly revised the English side of the Ubuntu.ca CD insert
> thing - have a look at http://www.warbard.ca/temp/Ubuntu_CA_insert.pdf
> Basically, I've cut the text down to the bare minimum, able to be
> taken in at a glance. "Ubuntu Canada is committed to promoting &
> supporting the Ubuntu Operating System. Join us online at
> http://www.ubuntu.ca/"

Especially this part, because the only thing I can do in our other
official language is politely order beer!

> Could someone bilingual provide us with a French translation of the
> cut-down text?



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