ubuntu-ca Digest, Vol 8, Issue 5

Kush Singh be_a_sport at rogers.com
Mon Nov 7 20:45:40 UTC 2005

Lino Martin Ramirez wrote:

>There are counted MP's and MLA's who know about Open Source Software.
>This is why we have to start promoting the use of Open Source Software
>to our policy makers. If we want Ubuntu (or any other Linux
>distribution) to become popular, we need to install it in schools,
>universities, government offices, etc. 
I feel Ubuntu can be promoted in private universities and colleges 
faster than govt bodies since govts tend to have more inertia but our 
bugbear is the relatively weaker documentation since the concept of self 
help is involved a bit more in linux than windows.

>The only way, we can do that is
>with the support of our policy makers.
Yes, I agree on getting some policy makers on our side.

>Do any of you know about initiatives to market Ubuntu or any other
>Linux distribution to our policy makers?  Do you have any ideas or
>previous experience marketing Linux distributions to our policy
No experience but its worth a try. Maybe if we could have some ubuntu T 
shirts etc during the summer it would help the advertising.


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