
Alex Combas alex.combas at gmail.com
Sat Apr 30 17:15:20 UTC 2005

On 4/30/05, Andrew VanSpronsen <avanspronsen at gmail.com> wrote:

> Again, it seems as if Alex has his facts wrong. 

Im getting so tired of these little condesending jibs. 

> A vote was called for by members who did not know we had a leader.  

Technically, Im not sure we even had a leader.
Would the person(s) who called for a vote like to please step forward?

Lets discuss this and move forward.

> Alex had disappeared for a month+ and to be honest, never really acted as a
> leader.  

Am I the leader? 
But again, this is just another attack. 
Talk to anyone who is among the original 10 members to see 
what kind of job I did in this group and how well we worked together.

> His behaviour continues to suggest that he has only himself and his
> reputation in mind.  

Maybe you could try backing up your slander with an example. Attack,
attack, attack.

> Since the vote was called for Alex suddenly had time
> again for the group and came back expecting everything to be left off where
> it was when he left.  

Thats right, actually I've had time for a couple weeks now but I just
havent had time for
IRC, but a few weeks ago I started sorting though the 200+ emails in my inbox.

> The group had moved on and responsibilities, including
> those for the webpage changed hands.

Can you give me an example of anything you have done for this group to
suggest any
responsibilitys have changed hands? (other than IRC chat)

I have monitored the wiki, I see the new initiatives page, great idea.
Its almost empty though. I also see that Antoine has translated our
page, thats great too.
I distinctly remember saying "wow, great idea" to both of you when you
did those things.

I see nothing to suggest I am no longer the webmaster, or the leader.
(if indeed I ever was the leader)

Im also going to reply to Antoine by email, but seperately from this one.

>  I simply put my hat in the ring for the leadership/contact position. 

Yes, I remember you doing that having only been in the group for a few
days. And now you are doing so again less than two months later.

> This was a community decision that was well on track until Alex showed up.  

Yes, suplanting someone you thought was an inactive leader would go
right on track until the leader shows up and says "hi" and shows he is
not inactive.

> is the single dissenting voice.  

It seems to me that Im not the only one who is upset by this fiasco.
Several people have droped off the mailing list infact. And others are
voicing concern and threatening to leave, no doubt due to this
bickering. Im sorry for this, but if you thought I was quietly going
step aside from all the work I have done and all the good I have
acomplished because a few people go behind my back and complain while
I was gone you made a big mistake.

Im sorry if I gave anyone a reason to complain. But Im not leaving.

I cared enough to start this site for Canada, and then wrangled enough
with people to get a basic community off the ground. Im proud of what
we have here. I think it has tones of potential.

This started as a vision, and now it is the vision of many people. Im
proud of where we are today, and Im looking forward to the future. I
hope the group can appreciate those things as well.

But to be honest Im quickly getting tired of being attacked and maligned.

> That is a disruption.  Alex needs to accept
> the will of the group and lets move on.  

As Matthias mentioned please stop saying "I have the support of the
group" its very old.
Individuals in the group are perfectly capable of speaking for themselves.
And I am 100% certain you do not speak for everyone.

>  Matthias, I would encourage you to stop by the IRC room and talk with the
> guys if you would like to get a better feeling of the group.

I was in IRC last night, one of the original Ubuntu-CA members told me
he really doesnt care and has no stake in the leadership whatsoever,
other than that, the issue never came up.

Im really tired. Im at BCIT right now and Im ignoring my teacher to
write this. My back was hurt last week at Ninjutsu practise. My ear
has some infection I think. This group I started is having some
serious problems. I miss my wife. My job sucks.

If we dont fix this soon Im seriously considering to leave the group forever. 
This is total bullshit.

Alex Combas | alex.combas at gmail.com | irc:sabmoc

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