Fwd: We need to move on

Alex Combas alex.combas at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 05:02:08 UTC 2005

On 4/28/05, Ryan Thiessen <ryan at ryanthiessen.com> wrote:
> Thanks Daniel, for bringing some information to add to our speculation.
> Okay then, instead of what I suggested, maybe we should wait until the end
> of UDU to see what to do.  Maybe one or more of us can attend the next CC
> meeting and see if we can figure out the procedure for LoCo leadership.

When does UDU end? Waiting might not be a bad idea, the people who
have power to make decisions at Ubuntu move when they have the time to
do so and if there is a big event going on right now then they
probably dont have the time.

At the very least I suggest the deadly to apply for Leadership to be
moved to Monday May 2nd, 11:59pm Pacific time, and the deadline for
votes to Monday May 9th, 11:59pm Pacific time. (Pacific time because
it is the western most time zone and so the last place to reach
midnight in the country.)

This will give us about 10day to have this wrapped up.

Also we haven't yet agreed how voting will take place, and if a person
can vote for themselves if they are being nominated for Leadership.
(I don't think nominee's should be aloud to vote.)

> But, what should we do until then?  Do we really need an official leader
> to do things or should we just steam ahead?  I think we could still
> incorporate Andrew and Antoine's work, and get more people on the
> planet, and just spruce things up in general.  Then when we finally get a
> project "leader", they can figure out where to move us after that point.

First of all, I would like to see the CanadianTeam wiki cleaned up,
dual language on a single page is just really confusing.

Second, I would like our main site to be completely redesigned,
tonight I updated
the information on our site so take a look at www.ubuntu-ca.org and
let me know if you see any problems.

I'm currently in a web developer class at BCIT and I am learning a lot
about good
design and development principals, at the time when I wrote the site
at www.ubuntu-ca.org I was completely self taught and now that I've
taken a class I can see just how bad it is.

I'm going to redesign the site as my term project. It wont be jaw
dropping amazing but the stuff I'm learning will enable me to blow the
current site out of the water, not that that really says a whole lot
in light of the current site.


Alex Combas | alex.combas at gmail.com | irc:sabmoc

Alex Combas | alex.combas at gmail.com | irc:sabmoc

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