We had a successful bug day, Thank you

Alberto Salvia Novella es20490446e at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 14:27:49 UTC 2013

Perhaps performing monthly?

El 18/01/13 15:15, Walter Garcia-Fontes escribió:
> * Omer Akram, oakram at gnome.org [18/01/13 14:59]:
>> Now the question is what lies a head, I think now we should decide when do
>> we want to do our next bug day, which package we want to target and suggest
>> any improvements that could be made.
> I think that ideally they should be weekly, but of course this can
> cause attrition of the triagers. In any case if the group is large
> enough even if there is some rotation it could work.
> As for packages they are easy to choose now that there haven't been hug
> days for a while, I checked today "totem" for instance and there were
> more than 100 "new" bugs.
> It's harder to come up with more imaginative lists, like "bugs without
> a package" or similar, there is where more experienced triagers can
> help. And these more targeted bugs sometimes are the easiest to triage.
> As for suggestions, I think we should also include "confirmed" bugs,
> as a good amount of these are also untouched. I remember there used to be
> two lists at the wiki page, one for new and the other one for
> confirmed bugs. Of course it is useful to start with the new ones, but
> a review of the confirmed bugs is also helpful.

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