Proposal to merge #ubuntu-quality and #ubuntu-bugs

Mikhail Sobolev mss at
Thu Jan 3 13:45:55 UTC 2013


On Thu, Jan 03, 2013 at 06:14:53PM +0500, Omer Akram wrote:
> Just recently there started a discussion on Ubuntu bug squad list about
> less people getting involved in bug triage along the discussion there were
> a few points raised which let me to put the idea of merging #ubuntu-quality
> and #ubuntu-bugs into one. Ultimately both have the same goal that is
> talking about quality in Ubuntu.
As long as the "merge" results in ubuntu-quality, I'd agree.  Yes, the
goal seems to be the same, however "quality" has a bit broader meaning
than just "bugs".

My 0.02 [euro]cents, "quality" aims to define how the things can be made
the best, while "bugs" show whether the way of doing it has any
deficiencies (and, yes, testing is one of the possible ways to not only
find discrepancies in the actual software but also to identify what's
missing from "the way" to ensure that the result of the anticipated

> Here I might not have a lot of point to argue plus I am never great with
> words but the overall notion is that I believe that it will result in a
> benefit for Ubuntu due to having a concentrated place to talk bugs.
I agree that a "concentrated place" to talk about _quality_ would be
of a better value as people would be able not only to see what's not
working as expected, but also to generalise and suggest how to avoid
that in future.

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