Proposal to merge #ubuntu-quality and #ubuntu-bugs

Omer Akram om26er at
Thu Jan 3 13:14:53 UTC 2013

Hi All

Just recently there started a discussion on Ubuntu bug squad list about
less people getting involved in bug triage along the discussion there were
a few points raised which let me to put the idea of merging #ubuntu-quality
and #ubuntu-bugs into one. Ultimately both have the same goal that is
talking about quality in Ubuntu.

At time people testing Ubuntu ISO will raise their bugs in #ubuntu-quality
and discussions may take place there. People may or may not be available in
both channels but since I believe people do talk mostly about bug reports
in those channels (though #ubuntu-quality do have other topics as well) but
I think merging them will make a few things easier one will be that there
will be mostly a unified place for people to talk about bugs (i know people
may talk in #ubuntu+1 or #ubuntu-desktop as well but those channels have
their own reasons for exisitance)

Here I might not have a lot of point to argue plus I am never great with
words but the overall notion is that I believe that it will result in a
benefit for Ubuntu due to having a concentrated place to talk bugs.

Thoughts/Suggestions/Pros/Cons all welcome and appreciated

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