[Ubuntu Wiki] Update of "DebuggingBanshee" by mfisch
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Mon Feb 25 00:42:39 UTC 2013
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The "DebuggingBanshee" page has been changed by mfisch:
= Debugging procedure =
1. Debugging Banshee from a terminal, please run "banshee --debug" and attach all output information
- 3. If the issue is intermittent crash, create a file called ~/.config/banshee-1/always-debug, then the next time banshee crashes, copy out ~/.config/banshee-1/log and upload it.
- 2. Debugging latest release from daily ppa repository, url is at https://launchpad.net/~banshee-team/+archive/banshee-daily
+ 1. Debugging latest release from daily ppa repository, url is at https://launchpad.net/~banshee-team/+archive/banshee-daily
- 3. Hardware not detected and further information at http://live.gnome.org/Banshee/LibgpodTransition or http://banshee.fm/support/faq/
+ 1. Hardware not detected and further information at http://live.gnome.org/Banshee/LibgpodTransition or http://banshee.fm/support/faq/
+ 1. If the issue is an intermittent crash, create a file called ~/.config/banshee-1/always-debug, then the next time banshee crashes, copy out ~/.config/banshee-1/log and upload it.
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