Bug Squad and a lot of asks to update BIOS
Alberto Salvia Novella
es20490446e at gmail.com
Mon Aug 19 19:30:50 UTC 2013
El 19/08/13 06:41, Phil Wyett escribió:
> On Mon, 2013-08-12 at 11:51 -0700, Brian Murray wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 06:37:10AM +0100, Phil Wyett wrote:
>>> On Sat, 2013-08-10 at 11:56 +0100, Dr. David Alan Gilbert wrote:
>>>> * Phil Wyett (one.ukit at gmail.com) wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Is it now policy with certain bugs, for the user to be asked to update
>>>>> their BIOS? It seems to happening a heck of a lot these days. With the
>>>>> inherent danger of BIOS updates and that Ubuntu (Linux for Human Beings)
>>>>> has users that are not that technically minded or would shy away from
>>>>> such an update - Should it being happening so often?
>>>> Yeh I've had a few of those - and I agree it's dangerous.
>>>> There are bugs that might very well be fixed by a new BIOS,
>>>> but it does need some careful consideration.
>>>> Dave
>>> Dangerous I agree and often a point of fear with users. It would be nice
>>> if people doing this on bug reports could add a note.
>>> "Please do not feel pressured or required to perform the suggested BIOS
>>> update yourself if you are not comfortable with doing so. You may wish
>>> to consult a local I.T. professional, who can advise and possibly
>>> perform such an update for you in exchange for a fee."
>>> Or something like that... :-)
>> That sounds like a good suggestion to me, what packages / bugs have seen
>> the comments to update your BIOS on?
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Brian Murray
> There are so many instances it would be hard to name 1. My email for the
> 'ubuntu-bugs' list goes back to 2013-07-28 and there are > 300 instances
> of BIOS update requests to users if I do a search for the string "update
> is available for your BIOS".
> Regards
> Phil
So perhaps we can make a small note in the wiki, because it seems a
recurrent issue.
Also to say these issues are not coincidence: I have three different
computer and I've been to reproduce bugs in all its updated BIOSes, and
some were pretty serious.
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