The launchpad "Lost something" page

Thomas Ward at
Mon Sep 17 01:37:31 UTC 2012

I suggest amending the message to say that the dupe crash bug may be
private, and not accessible, or similar.

*Sent from my iPhone.  Please excuse any typos, as they are likely to
happen by accident.*

On Sep 16, 2012, at 7:17 PM, Cruz Julian Bishop <cruzjbishop at> wrote:

> Someone randomly looking over my shoulder looked at this
> email and said that it should say
> "Sorry, Dave, I can't let you do that"
> OT: I agree, this will be quite annoying
> for people that can't, as you made an example for,
> access a bug that has been marked as the duplicate.
> On Sun, 2012-09-16 at 15:57 +0200, melchiaros wrote:
>> Following the last two reports on the mailing list
>> and
>> the "Lost Something?" launchpad website that is presented to users who
>> have no priviledges for accessing private bugs seems to be misidentified
>> by users as error or bug or broken link of launchpad.
>> May be the message should be a bit clearer than the actual one for users
>> that are guided from a dublicate entry of their own report to such a page.
>> Given scenario here:
>> User report - > Apport-retracing identification as a dub of a already
>> known private bug  and automatically closing as such -> user
>> misidentifies the "Lost Something" page as broken link  and dedub their
>> report wrongly
>> Comments?
> --
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