New message for Bug/Responses#Release_has_reached_EOL

Maarten Bezemer maarten.bezemer at
Thu May 17 09:57:18 UTC 2012


I would like to propose this text as the default message for Bug/Responses#Release_has_reached_EOL:

Thank you for reporting this bug to Ubuntu. RELEASE reached EOL on DATE.
See this document for currently supported Ubuntu releases: 

I've tried recreating this bug with RELEASE and was unable to, given the information you've provided. Please either a) upgrade and test or b) increase the verbosity of the steps to recreate it so we can try again.

Do feel free to report any other bugs you may find.

I removed some 'please' words from the text, as I often do not include"I've tried recreating this bug with RELEASE and was unable to, given the information you've provided." because the issue is really too old or impossible to retry.
When removing that part, there are 3 sentences starting with 'Please' directly under each other in the current default message.

Any opinions about this proposed change? Is it too commanding/demanding without the 'Please' words?


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