Re: Just joined: Advice before I start making changes?‏

Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre at
Thu May 10 20:36:29 UTC 2012

On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 1:17 PM, Patrick Santos
<milljudgement+ubuntu at> wrote:
> As noted, I don't want to jump in and make a mess of things, so I would like
> to have some guidance to get started on some of the easy tasks. Note my
> location is Canada, EST, but my schedule is extremely flexible at the
> moment. If a meeting can't be arranged, another idea is assign me some task
> and I'll report back when I've completed it or need help to complete it.

Hi Patrick!

Don't be too worried about breaking things -- bug fixing depends on
code review if you don't have upload privileges, and there is usually
always a way to revert things when there are mistakes -- everyone
makes them.

Have you read the "How To Triage" wiki pages yet? If not, I encourage
you to look them up:

... And if what you want to do is fixing bugs, there's a page for that
too: . On it, the link to
Harvest is a great place to start to find things you can try to fix;
and to be able to focus on easy fixes, or on specific packages that
interest you.

Feel free to join in on IRC, in the #ubuntu-bugs channel, that's where
the collaboration on triaging bugs is being done. Don't be afraid to
ask questions when you're unsure about things :)


Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre < at>
Freenode: cyphermox, Jabber: at
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