Changing status to "New" after providing information

Walter Garcia-Fontes walter.garcia at
Fri Oct 28 04:18:35 UTC 2011

* Brian Murray [27/10/11 19:08]:
> Finally, by requiring bug reporters to make a change to a bug task's
> status we are introducing a chance for something to go wrong.

But shouldn't there be some reaction to the user answering to the
first request of information by the bug triager? If we leave the bug
as "Incomplete" it seems we didn't react to his/her response. 

I was suggesting to instruct the OP to change the bug to "New" after
responding because I thought this is the right thing to do after the
OP has responded. What is the right thing to do? Leave the bug as
"Incomplete" if it cannot be "Confirmed"?

Walter Garcia-Fontes

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