QA Team Meeting and Bugs Meeting split from next week

Gema Gomez gema.gomez-solano at
Wed Nov 23 18:44:56 UTC 2011

Dear all,

in an attempt to get more involvement from the community in
*bug analysis and triaging* and *quality assurance and testing*, the
BugSquad and QA Platform Teams have decided to split the Wed 18:00 GMT
Ubuntu QA Team Meeting in two separate meetings with separate objectives.

Since we are going to be putting a lot of effort this cycle into
ensuring testing and bug triaging are done better and we are going to be
contributing in different ways to improving the quality of Ubuntu, we've
decided to schedule two meetings so that people interested in bug
triaging do not need to hear all about the testing and vice versa.

Having said that, we are aware that some contributors are interested in
the two areas, so we've scheduled the new QA Team meeting one hour
earlier than the Bug Squad meeting, so that if someone wishes so, they
can attend both without too much disruption.

Please, for further information keep an eye on:
* - Wed 17:00 GMT
  *Focus*: QA platform activities, calls for testing, community
feedback, etc.
  *Who should attend*: Anyone interested in contributing doing testing
for Ubuntu is welcome to attend and start sharing their views,
contributing. We'll make sure all the efforts count towards the quality
of the coming release.

* - Wed 18:00 GMT
  *Focus*: Bug triaging, mentoring of new members, ongoing activities
discussion, etc.
  *Who should attend*: Anyone interested in bug triaging, bug
management, bug metrics and classification of bugs.

Next week we will be discussing the new agendas and agreeing on a new
format that makes sense. Pedro will be chairing the Bugs meeting and I
will be chairing the QA Team meeting, we hope we see you all there!

The Ubuntu Fridge Calendar, already has the schedule information of the
meetings from next week onwards:

Best Regards,

Gema Gomez-Solano        <gema.gomez-solano at>
QA Team
Canonical Ltd. 

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