[Ubuntu Wiki] Update of "Bugs/FindRightPackage" by brian-murray

Ubuntu Wiki noreply at ubuntu.com
Tue Nov 8 00:47:09 UTC 2011

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The "Bugs/FindRightPackage" page has been changed by brian-murray:

   2. Open a Terminal (GNOME: Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal | KDE: K -> Applications -> System -> Terminal).
   3. In the terminal, type `xprop WM_CLASS`. Your mouse pointer should now turn to crosshairs.
   4. Click anywhere in the application's window.
-  5. The terminal will now list a line like `WM_CLASS(STRING) = "Picasa3.exe", "Wine"`. Write down the first value ("Picasa3.exe").
+  5. The terminal will now list a line like `WM_CLASS(STRING) = "terminator", "Terminator"`. Write down the first value ("terminator").
-  6. In the terminal, type `locate -b "\[executable name]"`. (In this case, `locate -b "\Picasa3.exe"`.) The backslash (\) is important!
+  6. In the terminal, type `locate -b "\[executable name]"`. (In this case, `locate -b "\terminator"`.) The backslash (\) is important!
   7. Write down the line printed on the terminal. (If there are multiple lines, use the first one.) This is the full executable path.
  ==== Finding the Package Name ====
  After you have found the executable path, finding the package name is easy. Just run `dpkg -S [full executable path]`. For example, `dpkg -S /usr/bin/gnome-display-properties`. This will print the package name: you're done!
- Another tool useful when triaging bugs is '''apt-file''': `apt-file search picasa.exe`. This utility works like `dpkg -S` but searches all packages instead of only those you have installed.
+ Another tool useful when triaging bugs is '''apt-file''': `apt-file search terminator`. This utility works like `dpkg -S` but searches all packages instead of only those you have installed.
  === When installing Ubuntu (or Derivatives) ===
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  === When upgrading Ubuntu (or derivatives) ===
- If you encounter a bug while upgrading Ubuntu (for example, from 9.04 to 9.10), the problem package is `update-manager`. Please attach the log files contained in "/var/log/dist-upgrade/".
+ If you encounter a bug while upgrading Ubuntu (for example, from 11.04 to 11.10), the problem package is `update-manager`. Please attach the log files contained in "/var/log/dist-upgrade/".
  === During boot ===
  If you encounter a bug with the boot splash screen (typically an Ubuntu logo displayed during boot), the package is:
-  * `plymouth` since 10.04 Lucid Lynx,
+  * `plymouth` since 10.04 Lucid Lynx
-  * `xsplash` in 9.10 Karmic Koala and 
-  * `usplash` in versions before that.
  If the screen goes blank after the splash screen (about the time the login screen should come up), report the bug against `xorg`.
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  === Sound ===
- If your sound or headphone jack does not work correctly, report the issue against `alsa-driver` in 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope and above. Report [[#Kernel|against the kernel]] in previous versions.
+ If your sound or headphone jack does not work correctly, report the issue against `alsa-driver` in 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope and above.
  You might want to try [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting|Sound Troubleshooting]] first.
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  Some packages have changed names through versions of ubuntu and others need special care while reporting. This section lists these caveats.
- === Kernel ===
- The correct package for bugs about the kernel is `linux`, unless you are running 6.06 Dapper Drake, in which case the package is `linux-source-2.6.15`.
- Please read [[KernelTeam/KernelTeamBugPolicies]] when reporting bugs against the kernel.
  === Firefox ===
  Please put Firefox bugs in the appropriate package depending on the version of Firefox.
  Currently we have:
+  * firefox-3.0 - the default version in Hardy (8.04)
-  * firefox-3.0 - the default version in Hardy (8.04), Intrepid (8.10) and Jaunty (9.04)
-  * firefox-3.5 - the default version in Karmic (9.10) also available in Jaunty (9.04)
   * firefox - the default version in Lucid (10.04) -- This is Firefox 3.6 and up
  === Epiphany ===

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