[Ubuntu Wiki] Update of "UbuntuBugDay/Organizing" by pvillavi

Ubuntu Wiki noreply at ubuntu.com
Mon May 30 12:40:07 UTC 2011

Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Ubuntu Wiki" for change notification.

The following page has been changed by pvillavi:

    * Move past HugDays down and put yours on the list
  === Hug day page creation ===
+ '''Note''': Please only create the wiki page in the week you're having the bug day, since it might create problems with the hug-day tool.
   * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/<Your Date Here>?action=edit
    * The date should be a combination of <year><month><day> 20100318 = March 18, 2010

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