Requesting an Ubuntu Translations bug day date

Pedro Villavicencio Garrido pedro at
Mon May 30 12:42:56 UTC 2011

Hello Gabor,

El sáb, 28-05-2011 a las 00:59 +0200, Gabor Kelemen escribió:
> Hi bugsquad
> I'm Gabor Kelemen, member of the Ubuntu Translation Coordinators team, 
> tasked with organizing a bug day for Ubuntu Translations. I'd like to 
> request a bug day to be scheduled after alpha-3, sometime between the 
> 5th and 12th August. The topic would be triaging bugs in the Ubuntu 
> Translations project[1], and if possible, poking developers about 
> triaged bugs - we have a lot more of these than of untriaged ones :).

Thank you for the interest on organizing a bug day, we don't have
anything planned[1] for August yet so what about organizing the
translations bug day on the Thursday 11? just confirm it (or propose a
new date) and we'll add it to the planning page. Also please read the
Organizing[2] page to know how to organize it, probably a week before
the bug day a member of the BugSquad will contact you to start creating
the page, setting up the instructions,etc, so please be around or
delegate that function to other person in the translations team if
you're not around during that time. I guess that's all we need for now,
please do not hesitate in contact us if you have any further questions,
thanks again for the interest!

Have a great day,


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