New Wiki Structure Proposal

Draycen DeCator ddecator at
Sun Mar 20 14:41:37 UTC 2011

Hello fellow triagers!

There has been a lot of discussion on IRC between the BugSquad and the
Ubuntu Beginners Team about how the BugSquad wiki can be improved so it's
more streamlined and user-friendly. As it stands now, the HowToTriage page
is the primary place for people to go and dump any information related to
triage. This has resulted in the page just being a wall of text that is
overwhelming to new users who are just getting started.

To improve this, the information will need to be spread out in a logical way
that walks new users through the process from beginning to end. Attached is
a mindmap showing what my proposal is for how this can be done (I've
included an image for those who just want to view it, and the Freemind file
if you want to make any changes). For a new user, they would follow the
whole setup from the top down, so it would walk them through the entire
process. For those with some experience, hopefully it will be easy to get to
the information that they need.

As for the HowToTriage page, it would be more of an expansion of the
flowcharts that are on the wiki. This way, it will become a step-by-step
guide or a checklist for the triage process that anybody can follow.

Take a look and let me know what you think. Once an initial structure is
decided on, I will make at least a few PDFs showing a concept of how the
actual pages will be setup. Those will then be sent to both the BugSquad and
the UBT mailing lists for further input. Eventually, the UBT Wiki group will
be helping us implement the changes.

Hope you're all having a great weekend!

Draycen DeCator
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