Old bug reports

tiago ramos tiagolramos at gmail.com
Wed Aug 24 18:21:14 UTC 2011

Dapper and Edgy are unsupported at the moment, if the bug is fixed in
the supported releases it should be closed.
I could risk saying with the "won't fix" tag

On 24 August 2011 19:01, Carl Ansell <afccarl1994 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the replies.
> I saw a bug report earlier that was marked as confirmed in Dapper, and fix
> released or invalid (can't remember which)in Edgy and there was a comment
> stating the issue was fixed in this release. The fix has not been
> backported, so what would be the best practice in this situation?
> In realise that looking at old bugs might not seem like the most productive
> thing to do, but I have only just joined the bugsquad and feel that I am
> still learning about the whole bug reporting and triaging process. As such I
> think this would be a more simple thing to start with, given that many bugs
> have been inactive for years and would be less of an issue should I make a
> mistake.
> Thanks again,
> Carl
> ________________________________
> Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 09:37:21 +0100
> Subject: Re: Old bug reports
> From: timothy.mayoh at gmail.com
> To: Ubuntu-bugsquad at lists.ubuntu.com
> Sorry - I probably should have been more specific about marking bugs invalid
> immediately; I was referring to when the bug really didn't have anywhere
> enough information to work on it and no-one actually could reproduce it
> other than the reporter or whoever claims that it affects them, and only if
> they are all impossible to contact (as is already eventually done when there
> is no more activity on an incomplete bug for more than 60 days anyway).
> If the bug is already confirmed or triaged and can be reproduced in newer,
> supported releases or the development release by other people, then I agree
> it makes no sense to ask the original reporter to test to see if it exists
> in a newer release just for the sake of it, if his/her version is still
> within support.
> Although to this day I see many people reporting bugs with unsupported
> versions of Ubuntu who simply don't realise there is a newer version
> available or haven't upgraded for whatever reason who could do with a little
> push to switch to a current version, for their own benefit; for example I
> believe that to be the case with these bug reports:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/827638
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/827000
> I'm not saying that upgrading will necessarily automatically fix the bug in
> every case, but it is always a good idea to be using a release which still
> receives security/performance/reliability fixes either way.
> On 24 August 2011 03:50, Micah Gersten <micahg at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Corrected top posting...
> On 08/23/2011 04:00 PM, Timothy Mayoh wrote:
> On 23 August 2011 21:45, Carl Ansell <afccarl1994 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> There are many old reports in launchpad that apply to unsupported versions
> of Ubuntu, such as Dapper and Edgy.
> As these releases are no longer supported, can these be marked as invalid?
> I feel it would 'clean up' the bugs in launchpad and make it clear which
> bugs are still relevant, but as someone new to the bugsquad, I don't want to
> start messing with things that I shouldn't mess with.
> I believe the best approach would be to mark the report as incomplete, and
> then try and contact the original submitter with this canned response in the
> comments, assuming they are still active:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Release_has_reached_EOL . If they do
> not respond, then the bug would be automatically marked as invalid within 60
> days anyway.
> This is only good if the bug isn't reproducible in the devel release or in
> any release after it was reported (not saying they all have to be tested,
> but that if a user chooses to test an older release and can't reproduce,
> that should be sufficient).  Otherwise, just asking people to reproduce
> again was decided against in previous bugsquad meetings as it annoys
> reporters and dissuades people from reporting bugs.
> Alternatively, if you are certain the original reporter and all other people
> the bug affects are no longer active in Launchpad - you can probably safely
> mark the bug as invalid immediately.
> I don't agree with this.  Just because the person is no longer around
> doesn't make the bug invalid.  Please remember, the point of bug reports
> isn't to necessarily make people happy, but to find the defects and actually
> repair them eventually.
> Thanks,
> Micah
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