Workarounds for bugs

Brian Murray brian at
Tue Aug 9 15:37:27 UTC 2011

On Tue, Aug 09, 2011 at 08:57:58AM +0200, njin wrote:
> Il giorno lun, 08/08/2011 alle 10.54 -0700, Brian Murray ha scritto:
> > For example, in I was trying to view a
> > pdf at a notebook manufacturer's web site.  I was unable to view the
> > pages of the pdf using evince however Pedro mentioned to me that he
> > could view using them Acrobat Reader.  This would not qualify as a
> > workaround for our purposes as it is a totally different piece of
> > software.
> > 
> Not really, looking at the
> it's obvious that Pedro is pointing the fact that the pdf file is good
> and perfectly readable, meaning to me that he has perfectly managed the
> situation...

Yes, Pedro did handle this correctly - notice the fact that bug 817626
does not have a workaround in the bug description.  I was just using a
bug that I had recently reported as an example of something that does
not and should not have a workaround.

Brian Murray
Ubuntu Bug Master
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