Additional "status" option

Micah Gersten micahg at
Fri Apr 15 03:42:46 UTC 2011

On 04/14/2011 05:50 PM, RedSingularity wrote:
> Hey everyone.  While working a bug recently I thought to myself, Why
> not have a status item that lets people know that a triager is working
> on the bug.  I know when I am looking for bugs to triage I always look
> for the "New" mark.  That, to me, means that no one has started to
> triage it yet and thats a sign that I can go ahead and have a look at
> it.  I know we have a "In Progress" option but I think thats more for
> developer use if I am correct.  As of now when working a bug I use the
> "Incomplete" sign to show that it is being triaged by someone (me).  I
> think this "Incomplete" mark may aggravate new reporters though, and
> is incorrect in some cases.  For example, many times the reporter has
> given all the required info, and I am in the process of triaging it. 
> As you can see the "Incomplete" mark, in this case, seems invalid
> since the report is actually complete.
> I guess to end my rant and sum up, I think a mark along the lines of
> "Work in Progress" in the status area would be helpful to triagers,
> and a "reassuring" mark for new users reporting bugs.  This way
> triagers will know that the bug is being handled by someone and the
> end user feels better that the bug is indeed being worked on instead
> of being "Incomplete".
> Thanks for considering,
> --Tim (RedSingularity)

With over 90k bugs open and about 400-500 active triagers/developers, I
don't think this happens that often.  However, if you find a specific
contributor colliding with you, perhaps coordinating in IRC would be a
way to work around this.  Incomplete is definitely not appropriate for
'Triage in Progress'.


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