faulty driver rt2870sta

Asbjørn Gabrielsen asbjoerngabrielsen at gmail.com
Tue Sep 14 14:33:53 UTC 2010

I've come across a problem with the Ralink RT2870 (rt2870sta) wifi 
driver in lucid. My adapter is wrongly recognized as an rt2800 chipset 
and lucid loads the rt2800usb driver, instead of the rt2870sta. The 
2800-driver doesn't work with my adapter.

After 13 hours of googling and trying different approaches, I've got the 
adapter to work. I had to blacklist the rt2800-driver and download the 
latest driver from the Ralink website. I then had to modify the driver's 
device list for the new driver to include my adaptor and the config.mk 
file to activate WPA encryption. This should be an easy fix for the 
maverick release.

The new driver is found here: http://www.ralinktech.com/support.php?s=2 
(RT2870 chipset)
The missing device in the list (/common/rtusb_dev_id.c) is the Gigabyte 
AirCruiser N300, GN-WB31N-RH, usb id 1044:800C
WPA-support can be activated in the file /os/linux/config.mk

Best regards
Asbjørn Gabrielsen
Oslo, Norway

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