mm 10.10 help
dreadpiratejeff at
Fri Sep 3 13:33:45 UTC 2010
On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 05:52, fmt <studiofmt at> wrote:
> I updated today to ubuntu 10.10 beta. When logging in, a terminal page
> appears asking for user's name and password. That's OK, but on the next line
> I'm lost:
> username at computername:^$ _
> I re-logged on recovery mode as graphics only. I would like to know, if
> possible, what happened and how to proceed further.
> I never had such a problem with ll 10.4.
> In case this post was not correctly addressed, pls indicate where I can find
> some help.
Hi, yeah, this probably isn't the right list... the support list is
ubuntu-users at
That being said, ask over there.
BUT, in the meantime, think about your graphics card... log in and
type the command startx and see if it starts the GUI or if you just
get errors.
And when you post over in ubuntu-users, be sure to specify what video
card you have. If you're like me, it's nVidia and needs the nVidia
drivers. The drivers package for 10.10 currently contains an older
version of the nVidia driver that does not support the current ABI and
thus does not work.
The options in that case are to download the driver directly from
nVidia, or wait a bit, as the new driver has been fix-committed for
this bug and should appear as an update for maverick soon.
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