launchpad +filebug redirect

Krzysztof Klimonda kklimonda at
Wed Sep 1 19:49:27 UTC 2010

On Wed, 2010-09-01 at 14:06 -0400, Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 1:36 PM, Mohammed Amine IL Idrissi
> <ilidrissiamine at> wrote:
> The way I see this, there should also be a .desktop file shipped with
> apport/ubuntu-bug so that such generic bugs can be filed from
> somewhere in the menu (I'm thinking System>Administration, even if it
> doesn't seem like the right place). We could then simply tell users in
> bug reports: click X, then Y, then type in the name of the package
> (which would probably be given to them by the triager), or use the
> cursor to click on the application that is frozen (à la xprop), and
> have them avoid the CLI completely.

Wouldn't it be even worse than the "Report a Problem..." menu item in
Help for every application? In 10.04 the "Report a Problem.." has been
disable before release (or RC?) for a reason. 

We have to prioritize our time. There aren't enough bug triagers and
developers to cope with amount of bugs that are being reported. The
closer to release it is the chance for bug to be either duplicate or an
edge case is getting bigger.

Also we have to work with reporters to fix some bugs - it's more likely
that the person who has read through the whole ReportingBugs page is
actually determined to see it fixed. Your approach would only make it
easier to file "fire-and-forget" bugs during the normal, daily workflow
and then those bugs, which would have to be triaged anyway, would just
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