launchpad +filebug redirect
Mohammed Amine IL Idrissi
ilidrissiamine at
Wed Sep 1 17:13:01 UTC 2010
On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 5:01 PM, Brian Murray <brian at> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 01:37:18PM -0400, David Tombs wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I was just looking at the ReportingBugs wiki page[1] and thought that
>> the current intro (between the two "Reporting Bugs" headers) is a little
>> awkward. It's obviously there because the +filebug launchpad page[2]
>> simply redirects users to the wiki page, and that might confuse users.
> It really isn't that much text and I'd imagine that most people who go
> to that wiki page are actually being redirected there and not navigating
> to it directly.
> Additionally, I really don't think have a link to the no-redirect page
> in the second sentence is a good idea at all. It just makes it that
> much easier for people to not read the instructions regarding bug filing
> which then leads to low quality bug reports.
>> Since streamlining the bug reporting process is definitely in our favor,
>> I suggest a clearer and less awkward process: what if the +filebug page
>> presented a message to the user that it is no longer the way to report
>> bugs and then just /linked/ to the wiki page for further information?
> This would require some additional changes to Launchpad which can be a
> time consuming process.
>> This way we can get rid of the introduction on ReportingBugs, reducing
>> the text users have to read and possibly some confusion for first-time
>> reporters.
> Has anybody heard of any complaints from people reading that page who
> were not redirected to it?
> --
> Brian Murray
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
> de8AoJnS0CdsbtEwD29Gsz8NKdB9jNa8
> =qAMU
> --
> Ubuntu-bugsquad mailing list
> Ubuntu-bugsquad at
Maybe we could redirect them to another wiki page that explains that
this is not the recommended way to report a bug, and then give them a
link to file a bug anyway, and a link to ReportingBugs.
Thank you,
Mohamed Amine IL Idrissi
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