bug-reporter crashed

Bartolomeo Nicolotti bnicolotti at siapcn.it
Thu Jul 15 16:52:47 UTC 2010


yes, I imagined that this was the problem, but between lines I'm saying
that i've NOT been able to report a problem probably due to a firewall
that's not under my control and so now I've to ask to one collegue.

Wouldn't it be simple to have a plain web page in which one can report

Many thanks

best regards.


Il giorno gio, 15/07/2010 alle 10.36 -0500, C de-Avillez ha scritto:
> On Wed, 14 Jul 2010 14:15:28 +0200
> Bartolomeo Nicolotti <bnicolotti at siapcn.it> wrote:
> > Hello,
> Ciao Bartolomeo,
> > I was trying to report this bug, but bug-reporter crashed, please see
> > attachment, ...
> A quick note here: error 110 -- "connessione scaduta", "connection
> timed out" --  it sounds like there is a firewall blocking your access
> to the apport servers. It is not a crash on bug-reporter, but most
> probably your network setup.
> Unfortunately, I have no experience with Zimbra, or interfacing with
> Windows servers for email, so I cannot help you on this part.
> Cheers,
Bartolomeo Nicolotti - Reparto Sviluppo - SIAP s.r.l.
Via Sant'Albano, 13 - 12049 Trinità (CN) Italy
Tel. (+39) 0172 652511 - Fax (+39) 0172 652519
E-mail: bnicolotti at siapcn.it - URL: www.siapcn.it
Codice Fiscale, Partita IVA, Iscr. Reg. Imprese di Cuneo: 01871320048
Capitale Sociale: € 99.000,00 i.v. - R.E.A. CN 141311

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