filing bugs

David Tombs cyan.spam at
Sun Sep 20 19:45:00 UTC 2009

Hi Caroline (and all),

The ReportingBugs page does actually have instructions (under "Filing 
bugs at" to use the no-redirect option.

However, I think is really lacking in that it 
has no "report a bug" link at all. If I wasn't subscribed to this 
mailing list I would have no idea what to do. I see in 
<> that 
keeping the button but redirecting to the wiki page is also an option, 
and I think that would be far more helpful. Not sure if this is the 
right venue for talking about that, though.


Caroline Ford wrote:
>     Does not work anymore?
>     The link is still on the Bug tab for Ubuntu in launchpad.
> No - it redirects to 
> which tells you to use a menu or ubuntu-bug! (this is on edge)
> Apport has just called gdb which is stuck using 100% of my CPU. Iff 
> apport gets past this it then calls Firefox which breaks due to 
> another bug in karmic with firefox 3.5.
> is a 
> dupe but is the same bug.
> Can we reverse this decision to make everyone use apport, at least 
> until it works?
> Caroline

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