Launchpad Bug Filing Changes for Ubuntu

Yuriy Kozlov yuriy-kozlov at
Tue Sep 15 19:13:28 UTC 2009

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 1:53 PM, Brian Murray <brian at> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> As a part of the Increase Apport Adoption specification[1] we are going
> to kick off an experiment and redirect all of Ubuntu's /+filebug links
> in Launchpad to This
> change has been tested on already and will be
> landing shortly on*).
> If you review the specification and the documentation bug reporters will
> be redirected to, you will notice that we spent a lot of time and energy
> on ensuring that we improve the quality of bugs when they are reported.
> The time many of us spend on triaging very incomplete bugs is not
> sustainable given the volume of bug reports. Having reporters use
> ubuntu-bug (apport more specifically) to report bugs will reduce many of
> these problems for us.
> In order to make the transition for our users smoother, we'd like to ask
> you to help out with a few things:
> 1) If you take care of a high-profile package, consider adding it to
> which is linked to from
> 2) Please consider writing an apport hook for the packages you take care
> of, if you need special information in bug reports - it's REALLY easy:
> 3) If the area of Ubuntu that you take care of is better suited by
> symptom based bug reporting ("storage", "boot", "install", "sound",
> etc.), consider contributing to the apport-symptoms package - it too is
> REALLY easy:
> By helping us receive higher quality bug reports, we will help to help
> make Ubuntu even better!
> [1]
> (*) There will be a +filebug?no-redirect if you really really need it.
> --
> Brian Murray
> On behalf of the Ubuntu QA Team

Hi Brian,

Would it be possible to direct to a different page for some packages?
In particular, I would like to see Kubuntu screenshots on the page for
the relevant packages.  There is currently such a page here: but it needs some
updating.  Kubuntu Karmic enables apport-bug for everything, so the
normal ReportingBugs page is accurate except for the screenshots and
the system monitor instructions.

~ Yuriy

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