Question about triaging tulip's bug #230368

Caroline Ford at
Sun May 24 14:27:28 UTC 2009

Generally we don't assign packages to ourselves unles we are a developer.

I used to look at tulip. The version in
jaunty is 3.0.0~B6-2.1. It depends on qt4 (and some qt3 compatibility
lib). It could be that it just can't run under qt4.

Using karmic has 3.0.0~B6-2.1-2. The changelog
says that it fixed two debian bugs:

tulip (3.1.2-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed install target to cope with arch-dep-only builds (Closes:
  * Rename all manpages to .3tlp to avoid conflicting with various other
    pacakges (Closes: #526951).

 -- Yann Dirson <dirson at>  Mon, 04 May 2009 21:43:57 +0200

Ooh! Are these bugs our bug?

The equivalent for Debian is

I search for tulip in Debian unstable. The latest in Debian testing
and unstable is 3.1.2-2.

Debian bug #526968 is a MIPS bug about building and doesn't affect us.
Debian bug #526951 is about installing docs

Doesn't look like Debian have fixed our bug (but they don't have it either?).

One thing is puzzling me. If I look at Karmic
clearly says tulip (3.0.0~B6-2.1) but the source is the later 2.1.2-2.
I wonder whether the later version has failed to build..


2009/5/24 a fuji <afujihara at>:
> Dear BugSquad members,
> Hello, I'm afujihara and I've recently started triaging bugs.
> The bug I'd like to triage now is something related with a graph
> drawing software "tulip."
> As you can see the link and the comments added by me,
> I completely reproduced this bug on my PC. So, I change the status
> to "confirmed" judging by Bug/Status wiki
> .
> Is what I do correct?
> I've also finished collecting strace and backtrace and uploaded the result
> to launchpad.
> But, I don't know what I should do next to get the status triaged, and then
> finally fixed.
> Is there someone here who kindly help me to guide this?
> Thank you in advance.
> --
> afujihara
> email: afujihara at
> --
> Ubuntu-bugsquad mailing list
> Ubuntu-bugsquad at

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