Report and Minutes BugSquad meeting

Andrés Mauricio Mujica Zalamea andres.mujica at
Wed May 13 04:43:10 BST 2009

Hi Bugsquad!!

Today we held our first meeting in some time, i believe it was a great
meeting and i'm sure it would be better as we can take benefit from it.
I've just made the report and  it's available at the wiki:

The next one would be hold at June 9th 2009 16.00 UTC #ubuntu-meeting

Some topics need further discussion and it was agreed that the best
place would be here.

The topics to discuss are:

- how people attending UDS can help out the Bug Squad?  
- New trends/infamous bugs consolidation wiki page layout
- Proposed topics for next meeting

Also some tips were discussed too:

- New bug trends identified by triagers should be raised at the ML so
the team can act faster in this cases
- New triagers looking for help should ask at the ML, at -bugs for any
specific bug they're working on.
- The bugcontrol members that are willing to mentor new bugsquad members
on some specific topic should include their IRC nicknames at

One thing to consider is that we need to use more effectively the ML, as
is the best way to reach all the bugsquad team and get more discussion
around every topic that matters.

So don't forget next meeting and the topics that need discussion!

PS:  Thanks a lot to everyone for attending, the next one would be a lot
better for sure!!

Andrés Mauricio Mujica Zalamea <andres.mujica at>
Ubuntu Member
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