New tag for bugs that have bounties on them

Mike Rooney mrooney at
Tue Dec 1 20:34:05 GMT 2009

On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 10:08 AM, Shahar Or <mightyiampresence at> wrote:
> Dear BugSquad,
> I'm beginning now to add the 'bounty' tag to bugs which have bounties on them.
> May I add this to the official list of tags in
> ?

Being able to search by bugs with bounties is fairly interesting,
though I'm not sure what the official stance is on making a new
"official" tag.

It seems like we would want to have specific guildelines on which bugs
have a bounty, ie a bug which has a bounty listed on an official
website (such as FOSS Factory), and not just someone saying, "I'll pay
$100 to whoever fixes this!" and then having that person disappear
when the bug is fixed.

It seems like in the ideal world this is really something for
Launchpad, where it would have support for linking to bounties from
bugs/tasks, with integration for certain bounty sites, like you can do
today with upstream bug reports.

Does anyone else have any thoughts?

Michael Rooney
mrooney at

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