bugsquad meetings?

Brian Curtis briancurtis.wx at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 22:26:55 UTC 2009

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 9:51 PM, Andres Mauricio Mujica Zalamea
<andres.mujica at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> One thing to consider is that the Ubuntu Quality Assurance team, which
> includes testing and bug teams, holds weekly meetings and these meetings
> may overlap (in terms of content) a lot with one specific to the Bug
> Squad.
> right.
> However, if there is sufficient interest I'd be happy to organize one.
> What kind of topics would you like you to see on the agenda?
> - Newly bug trends identified by triagers
> - Bugs that need attention/help/mentoring
> - Upstream relationships (what happened with the bugtracker plugins
> developed by LP?/Relationship with different distros affected by same
> upstream bugs/What do the devs need from us?)
> - Tasks to do for the team
> - UDS participation?
> - probably some more...
-Open Discussions
-LP Improvements for triagers
-LoCo Bug Jams
-New bug-stuff to look forward to
> Thanks,
> Andrés Mujica
> Ubuntu Bugsquad/Bugcontrol
> --
> Ubuntu-bugsquad mailing list
> Ubuntu-bugsquad at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugsquad

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