who to deal with this (unreproducible) bug

Null Ack nullack at gmail.com
Tue Sep 23 03:16:45 UTC 2008

2008/9/23 Michael Nagel <nailor at devzero.de>:
> Hey there,
> Shannon Jacobs is having some kind of problem with his Ubuntu laptop. He seems really wanting to get some help; but I do not know how to help him, because I cannot reproduce his problem and he cannot deterministically, either. What do you suggest to do?
> Regards,
> Michael
> PS: link: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/159594
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Hi Michael :)

Firstly, I would not rule out the possibility of his hardware being
problematic. IMHO he should run a full complex pass of memtest and
also a stress testing application for the CPU / CACHE and GPU.

If his hardware proves itself to be reliable under stress tests, I
would suggest he considers a clean, fresh install of the latest Hardy
point release and see if the problem still replicates itself. If it
does, steps to replicate the problem need to be narrowed down.

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