boilerplate messages in bugs

Leann Ogasawara leann.ogasawara at
Thu Sep 11 19:06:38 UTC 2008

On Thu, 2008-09-11 at 14:32 +0200, Reinhard Tartler wrote:
> Leann Ogasawara <leann.ogasawara at> writes:
> >  Thoughts?
> IMO, the underlying problem is that when a user takes his time to report
> a bug, he somewhat expect the bug to be read, understood and
> handeled. At least that's most probably why he has filed the bug in the
> first place.
> With the massive growth of number of bugs filed every day this is
> something that we ubuntu developers don't really have the manpower
> for. I think a bit of frustration could be avoided if content of the
> automatic messages we currently discuss would make it clear that the bug
> message was created automatically and that the bug it is filed at may or
> may not be looked/triaged at by anyone.
> Perhaps we can work on a 'meta-template' or at least on guidelines what
> information should be included on such messages that are 'mass-posted'.

I think this would be good.  I'll add this for discussion at the next QA
team meeting as well.

> Moreover, maybe we could bribe the launchpad developers to display such
> 'autogenerated' submissions with some other backgroundcolor (with a link
> 'whats this') to make the issue clearer to the submitter. 

This may be a bit more difficult to get implemented.  I think if we can
establish some clear guidelines/information to include as noted above
that should be sufficient.


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