An idea: ask upstream about what they need in bug reports

Daniel Hahler ubuntu+lists at
Wed Mar 26 01:47:36 UTC 2008

On Saturday 22 March 2008 19:31:09 Sense Hofstede wrote:

> In order to improve the bug reports forwarded upstream I think it would
> be a good idea to mail all upstream projects to ask what they'd like to
> have included in bug reports. E.g. what error logs and commands and
> other information. But also things we should watch. We could bundle this
> in one wiki page, maybe a new version of
> I'm willing to lead this project if I'm allowed too. ;)
> I think that if we can improve the reporting upstream things will get
> fixed a lot faster and better, so I think this project could really
> improve Ubuntu a lot.
> Any thoughts?

Great idea!

As far as I know, this could even be included in apport (through 
package-hooks), so that e.g. special files and information will be included 
in automatically reported bugs.


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