about apport retrace

Greg Grossmeier greg.grossmeier at gmail.com
Thu Jul 17 17:22:59 UTC 2008

Mackenzie Morgan wrote:
> Actually, it's that "enough detail that a developer could start
> working on a fix" which made me think simply having had one person
> reproduce it doesn't count.  What's the difference between that
> requirement for Confirmed and the requirement for Triaged?  They look
> like they mean the same thing to me.

Yes, you are right from the information given.  However, that first line 
under Confirmed will be removed today as the lead QA person doesn't even 
know how it got in there.

So, pretend you never saw it.
Confirmed means that it is reproducible.
Triaged means a dev can start work on it.

Sorry about the confusion.


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