The wiki instruction about the lack of crash report need to be updated

Brian Murray brian at
Tue Nov 27 20:36:47 UTC 2007

On Fri, Nov 16, 2007 at 02:44:11PM +0100, Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> Hi,
> Dealing with crash files attached to bugs create a lot of extra work
> since those bug are not retraced automatically and not listed by the
> duplicator. The wiki responses pages has a stock reply asking to users
> to attach the crash from /var/crash to the bug report, that should be
> updated to ask them to double click on the crash in nautilus which will
> make apport to send the bug (somebody needs to verify if that works also
> with kubuntu and xubuntu)

I checked this with Kubuntu and discovered that Konqueror doesn't seem
to have a file association for .crash files.  However, I found that
using '/usr/share/apport/apport-qt
--crash-file=/var/crash/_my_crash_report.crash' will launch the crash
reporting wizard.  Perhaps a bug should be filed about Konqueror and
this missing functionality.
> I'm copying the comment I just used on some desktop bugs there, maybe
> something similar could be added to the wiki standard replies?

I have updated the Bug/Responses with something that tries to cover bugs
missing crash reports and those with ".crash" file attachments.  It also
contains both ways to report the crash.  Please let me know what you 
think and thanks for bringing this to my attention.

Brian Murray                                       
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