Bug# 50692: Wishlist or "really important"?

Scott Sweeny ssweeny at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 15:20:53 UTC 2007

On 4/16/07, Peter Whittaker <pwwnow at gmail.com> wrote:
> Bugsquad and laptop-testing folk, I seek your guidance re bug#50692 [1],
> which is currently marked as wishlist: I tend to agree with comment#4,
> that this isn't a wishlist item but something that should be fixed
> (importance likely medium to the owners of any affected laptop).
> According to [2], wishlist means "new feature", but this report isn't
> requesting a new feature, it's requesting that an existing laptop
> capability be supported. It *is* suggesting a particular fix, the fsfn
> package, so I suppose the request to support this package could be
> considered wishlisty, but that seems like splitting hairs: hotkeys don't
> work, this should be fixed, and the suggested package fixes the problem.
> Your thoughts? Is there another alternative?
> Thanks,
> pww
> [1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/50692
> [2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance

I would tend to agree that this bug should be "medium", as IMHO the
functioning of the hotkeys falls under "A problem with a non-essential
hardware component".  I would classify this as a bug with a proposed


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